Meaning Behind the Word: Headnote

Headnote is a term with significance, often used in legal and editorial contexts to provide a brief summary or explanation preceding a section or document.

Legal Context

In the legal realm, a headnote is a concise summary or synopsis appearing before a court opinion. It encapsulates the key points of the decision, aiding in quick comprehension of the case.

Editorial usage

Outside of the legal domain, headnote is also employed in editorial practices. In this context, it refers to a brief note or comment at the beginning of a document, article, or chapter, offering insights or context for the reader.


The characteristics of a headnote include brevity, clarity, and the ability to convey essential information efficiently.

Examples in Usage

Here are some examples of headnotes in different contexts:

  • Legal: The headnote succinctly outlined the key precedents influencing the court's decision.
  • Editorial: The article began with a headnote providing context on the historical significance of the event.


Headnote serves as a valuable tool for summarizing and contextualizing information, whether in legal documents or editorial content, contributing to efficient communication and understanding.