Meaning Behind the Word: Huntaway

Huntaway is a term deeply rooted in agriculture, specifically in the world of herding dogs.


The word Huntaway originated in New Zealand, where a unique breed of herding dogs was developed to manage and control large flocks of sheep in the rugged terrain.


Huntaway dogs are known for their intelligence, strength, and distinctive style of herding. They often use their voices, known as a “bark” or ”hunt”, to guide and control livestock.

Herding Style

In the world of herding, Huntaway dogs exhibit a remarkable ability to work independently, driving sheep with strategic barking and movement.


Training a Huntaway involves honing their natural instincts. These dogs are often trained to respond to specific commands and whistles, making them effective and reliable partners for shepherds.


The adaptability of the Huntaway breed has led to its widespread use not only in New Zealand but also in various other parts of the world where herding skills are crucial for managing livestock.

Role in Farming

Huntaway dogs play a vital role in the farming community, contributing to the efficiency and success of livestock management.


The term Huntaway encapsulates a unique and effective approach to herding, showcasing the significance of these intelligent and versatile dogs in the agricultural landscape.