Meaning Behind the Word: Retinue

Retinue refers to a group of attendants or followers who accompany an important person, often serving in a supportive or ceremonial capacity.


The term retinue originated from the practice of nobility and royalty being accompanied by a group of loyal servants and followers, reflecting their status and power.


In various contexts, the term retinue is commonly employed:

  • Royalty: Monarchs and dignitaries are often accompanied by a retinue of advisors, guards, and attendants during official events.
  • Corporate: CEOs and executives may have a retinue of assistants and advisors to support them in their duties.
  • Celebrity: Public figures may travel with a retinue of bodyguards and personal assistants for security and assistance.


A retinue serves both practical and symbolic purposes, providing support and protection while also signaling the status and importance of the individual they accompany.