Meaning Behind the Word: Misfeasance

Misfeasance refers to the wrongful performance of a lawful act. It involves the improper execution of a legal duty, resulting in harm or damage to another party.

Origin and Etymology

The term misfeasance refers to wrong or improper execution or performance of an action.

Legal Implications

In legal contexts, misfeasance is often associated with negligence or misconduct by public officials or corporate officers. It can lead to legal action, particularly in cases where harm or injury is inflicted due to the improper performance of duties.


Here are some examples of misfeasance:

  • Negligent maintenance of public infrastructure resulting in accidents.
  • Improper handling of sensitive information by government officials.
  • Failure to disclose conflicts of interest by corporate executives.


The consequences of misfeasance can vary depending on the severity of the misconduct and the extent of harm caused. Legal remedies may include financial compensation, disciplinary action, or even criminal prosecution in extreme cases.


Understanding the concept of misfeasance is essential in legal and ethical contexts. It highlights the importance of accountability and diligence in performing duties and obligations, whether in public office, corporate governance, or everyday life.