Configure Group Policy Objects in Windows 10

Group Policy Objects (GPO) provide centralized management and configuration of operating systems, applications, and users' settings in an Active Directory environment. GPO is essential for controlling user and computer environments, leading to consistent user experiences and maintaining system security.

Terms Related to Group Policy Objects

  • Group Policy Object (GPO): A set of policy settings that can be applied to an organizational unit in Active Directory.
  • Group Policy Management Console (GPMC): A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, providing a single solution for managing all Group Policy-related tasks.
  • Organizational Unit (OU): A container within Active Directory that can hold users, groups, computers, and other organizational units. It is the smallest scope to which a GPO can be applied.
  • Local Group Policy: A special Group Policy object specific to individual computers, not associated with Active Directory.

Steps to Configure Group Policy Objects

  1. Open the Group Policy Management Console

    Press the Windows key, type "gpmc.msc", and press Enter.

  2. Expand the Forest and Domains

    In the GPMC, expand the Forest node, then expand the Domains node to display the domain for which a GPO is to be configured.

  3. Create a New GPO

    Right-click on the domain or the Organizational Unit (OU) where the GPO should be applied, then select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here...

  4. Name the GPO

    Provide a meaningful name for the GPO, which represents its purpose or the settings it contains.

  5. Edit the GPO

    Right-click on the newly created GPO and select Edit. This action will open the Group Policy Management Editor.

  6. Navigate and Configure Settings

    Within the editor, settings are divided between Computer Configuration and User Configuration. Expand these nodes and navigate to the policy settings that need to be configured. Once found, double-click the policy and select Enabled or Disabled based on requirements.

  7. Close the Editor and Link the GPO

    After making the necessary changes, close the Group Policy Management Editor. The GPO will automatically be linked to the selected domain or OU.

  8. Update Group Policy on Target Computers

    For the changes to take immediate effect on target computers, the Group Policy needs to be updated. This can be done using the command:

    gpupdate /force


Group Policy offers a powerful way to manage user and computer environments within an Active Directory domain. Proper understanding and configuration of GPOs ensure streamlined management and enhanced system security.